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Norwegian psych rock band the Dream existed for only a short time during the psychedelic boom of the mid-'60s. Made up of guitarist/vocalist Terje Rypdal, drummer/vocalist Tom Karlsen, bassist Hans Marius Stormoen, and organist Christian Reim, the band traveled to Stockholm, Sweden to record their sole album, Get Dreamy, with producer Svein Erik Borja. The album was so heavily influenced by Jimi Hendrix's groundbreaking playing that not only did they have a song entitled "Hey Jimi," but Rypdal went so far as to send the guitar god an autographed copy of the record when it was released. The band played live for a while, but was ultimately short-lived, breaking up in 1969 after a lineup change. Rypdal, already with a history of different bands, went on to a legendary solo career in jazz guitar that bloomed right after his time with the Dream. ~ Fred Thomas