Tom Joyner Morning Show

Oh oh oh it's the Tom Joyner Morning Show with co-hosts Sybil Wilkes, J. Anthony Brown and senior news analyst Roland Martin, also features “Inside Her Story” with Jacque Reid; political commentary from Stephanie Robinson and Jeff Johnson; and celebrity news with Jawn Murray, as well as comedic observations from D.L. Hughley and the Celebrity Snitch Huggy Lowdown.

Tom Joyner takes radio to a whole new level. Never before have African Americans been able to wake up to such an upbeat, entertaining and positive show. His accomplishments have not gone un-noticed. Tom Joyner was elected into the Radio Hall of Fame. He has received Impact Magazine's "Joe Loris Award" for Excellence in Broadcasting. He has received Billboard's "Best Urban Contemporary Air Personality" award. Impact Magazine's "Best DJ of the Year Award" was renamed "The Tom Joyner Award" because he received it so many times.